So, it's Wednesday, just a normal Wednesday I think....WRONG!
It started off fine, draggin' out of bed, making muffins for my honey, fixin' myself a cup of coffee and head to the shower while they bake. Put my contacts in so I can see while I am in the shower and as open the very last package of contacts that I have, one of them is mangled!!! So, have to wear the older one (man am I glad I didn't chunk the old ones first!) Get my shower done, wake up Hannah so she can give the dog a bath and check the muffins. They need about another 2 minutes so I head back to the bathroom and put the leave-in conditioner in my hair and then had a "news flash moment" --Chuck's work pants are in the WASHER, not the dryer!!! So run quickly to the laundry room and throw a pair in the dryer and head back to the bathroom. In between that I miss the timer beeping...burn the muffins. Pants don't dry in time and look badly wrinkled so he has to wear a navy pair (he doesn't like to wear navy in the summer). Finally he is out the door and I am praying that my day doesn't continue in the way it started!
I grab my cup of coffee and head upstairs to the computer....everything is fine in cyberland (thankfully!) Read the two forums I frequent in the mornings, do a couple things for the ASF Newsletter and then head downstairs because by this time the other children are up and they do not sound very cheerful.
After getting everyone calmed down we start school...and devotion time did go pretty good if I do say so myself....the devotional was good, the children really are remembering a lot of people in their prayers and I really enjoy spending this special time with them.
However, school does have to start and Caleb has a math test first thing. He actually has a great attitude about it all and he only missed two questions. You would think that would make him happy - no, he is upset that he missed those two and flings his paper across the room. Of course that can't be tolerated and the first disciplinary action needs to be taken. Then he has a language test - and he has been doing very good with language exercises, however it would appear that that knowledge has seeped out of his brain while he slept and he missed quite a few that I know he knows...but to make a VERY long story short the language test is taken and he is off to do some individual work.
Micaela does very well with her school work today - a bright spot in my day for sure! Although we face several interruptions we still complete her school work almost on time. Then I meet back with Caleb to wrap up a few things he does on his own....I wait, and I wait..and while I am waiting I do my hair since I am going to go shopping and tonight it church.....finally he is ready. Then the last biggie...the spelling test...of which he has assured me he has studied for...I really don't think he did too badly, but he about lost it when he couldn't remember a few vocabulary word definitions.
So, by now I am running late. I grab my keys and run out the door, only to crank my truck and it won't!!! AGGGHHH! So I call Sheila and tell her that I won't be meeting her today. Call Chuck and tell him what has happened.
He wants me to take the battery out, take it down to Advanced Auto and have them test it. Sure, vertically challenged me do this. Have I mentioned I am not a mechanic? That I drive a Suburban? These are not short little vehicles?? The first problem is my truck is parked in front of his Hannah has to push the Suburban while I steer it out of the way. It was easy going backwards...not so easy going forwards...I have to help, jump in in time to steer it out of the way of my dead flowers! By this time I have pulled my hair up into a pony tail as it is hot and sticky...and figure I straighten my hair to wear it in a pony tail!
So I get the cables off the battery - no problem...but the thing is also attached with a bolt down at the bottom of the takes me about 30 minutes to get this dumb bolt off...while I am perched on the bumper (did I mention I am vertically challenged?) Did I mention that it's hot outside? I am covered with sweat, I have grease up to my elbows and now on my shirt and jeans (yes, I should have changed my jeans...just didn't cross my mind I would be perching on a bumper and getting them dirty!) I'm not worried about the's too big and really old. So anyways...take the battery to Advanced Auto and ask them to check it out.
It turns out it was the I buy a new one, come home and put it in my truck and it works!
So...I think...this must be blogged....what a day, what a day! I finally have taken another shower, guzzled a couple glasses of water and sat quietly without being interrupted by a phone or child!
Now I guess I will have to head back downstairs to face what the rest of my day holds...I only pray it improves from here!
So just as I am proof reading this my wonderful dh calls...he of course doesn't think I have had a bad day at him a bad day is being kidnapped and your head being cut off...well in light of that, no I haven't had a bad day....sheesh...why I even mentioned it to him is beyond me.